Written by Kathiravelu Pradeeban
"Using WSO2 as a Mobile Services Platform" was a session presented by Simon Bilton, Head of Professional Services, Gödel Technologies Europe at WSO2Con 2011, which was yet another interesting user story of WSO2. In this session, Simon discussed how 'Transport for London' uses WSO2 ESB as the main platform for mobile services.
"Schematic of ESB solution with WSO2 ESB and WSO2 BAM as the core components..", Simon explained the architecture. Simon also showed a mini-version of the deployment diagram with WSO2 Components drawn on a paper, to the audience. He mentioned, "It is really huge to include all of them." Simon also foresees that WSO2 BAM2 will eliminate the remaining issues that the current system has.
"Open Source to the Rescue!", Simon points to the pure open source nature nature of WSO2, and how it was extended to meet the specific needs of their enterprise. "Why think outside the box, if the box can think itself?" asked Simon.
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